Reawaken and enjoy those previously annoying low-light movie scenes

Ch 01

Press the NIGHT button for night vision and the CHAN button to change video clips...

  • Quickly and easily toggle night vision mode on or off with a single TV remote button press
  • Enhance those low-light scenes adding more light, detail, sharpness and clarity
  • Rejuvenate those boring and annoying low light movie scenes and make them interesting again
  • Achieve that authentic night vision 'WOW factor' with an optional green filter
  • Expose more detail (since humans can distinguish more shades of green than any other colour)
  • Requires no hardware changes to implement, just utilise an existing (rarely used) TV remote button and update the TV software

Patent Pending - Available for Licensing Now
Jason King - - 07971 553602
Any use of copyrighted or trademarked material is for illustrative purposes only